Now that I've got a degree in comparative religion, I feel I ought to do some. Let's get the easy ones out of the way first!
Hermaeus Mora = Tzeentch
The Daedra of fate and knowledge, Lord of Secrets, is clearly Tzeentch.
Sanguine = Slaanesh
Similarly obvious is the connection between the Daedric Lord of debauchery and the Prince of Pleasure.
Namira = Nurgle
The Lady of Decay is most definitely Nurgle.
The Four Corners of the House of Troubles
It would be extremely pleasing if each of the Four Corners could be matched to a Chaos God. And they can!
Malacath = Khorne
Malacath, who spurns physical weakness and is depicted holding a very large weapon, suggests Khorne to me.
Mehrunes Dagon = Tzeentch
Mehrunes Dagon, like Tzeentch, represents change.
Sheogorath = Slaanesh
I chose to identify Sheogorath with Slaanesh mostly because Dark Seducers serve Sheogorath, and because Slaanesh was the one Chaos god left over after the three easier matches.
Molag Bal = Nurgle
His realm is desecrated and ruined, his enemy is Boethiath.
The Anticipations
Azura = Tzeentch
The goddess of the magical realms of dusk and dawn, who interferes subtly in the affairs of mortals: Tzeentch.
Boethiath = Tzeentch
The Daedra of secret plots and conspiracies has a fairly easy match in Tzeentch.
Mephala = Khaine = Khorne
Mephala has aspects that could easily be matched with Slaanesh or Tzeentch, but founding an order of elven assassins to serve her makes her very much Khaine, and therefore Khorne.
Clavicus Vile = Tzeentch
Pacts and machinations are hardly alien to any of the Chaos gods, but are most emblematic of Tzeentch.
Hircine = Khorne
Hunting and werecreatures are something I would associate with Khorne, as one of the characteristics of werewolves is their inability to control their rage.
Jyggalag = Nurgle
As Tzeentch is the Lord of Change, so his opposite is the equivalent of the Daedric Prince of Order.
Meridia = Tzeentch
Meridia, Lady of Infinite Energies, has no direct counterpart in the Chaos pantheon, but if I had to associate the undead with a Chaos god, it would be Nurgle. Therefore, the enemy of the undead is Tzeentch.
Nocturnal = Tzeentch
For want of a Chaos god especially dedicated to thieves and the night, Tzeentch's interest in deception is the best match.
Peryite = Nurgle
Peryite's spheres are pestilence and order.
Vaermina = Slaanesh
This one isn't so obvious, as dreams aren't the exclusive sphere of any Chaos God; in the fluff, they all use dreams to communicate with their followers. Based on her relationships to the other Daedra, however, Vaermina can be identified with Slaanesh: her only ally is Sanguine, previously found to be Slaanesh, and her enemies include Ebonarm, Peryite and Hermaeus Mora, i.e. war, pestilence and knowledge.
No. 5774: Spiciest Pepper Eating Contest
20 hours ago