Blood River Buccaneers 3 – 1 Braga’s Brutes
FAME 0, 1
BRB: 2 Bloodweiser babes
Winnings: BRB 50 000, BRU 20 000
Fan factor +1, -1
Weather: nice
Gate: 7 000
1st half, Brutes receiving
Kick-off: Brilliant coaching -> extra re-roll for Brutes
BBT1 #5 Sorgask KO’s #6 Galfir
#9 Grab da Bol picks up the ball and passess a quick pass to #10 Slib’ry Ands
BRBT1 #2 Tyrim fails to dodge and causes a turnover
BB2 #5 Sorgask blitzes #10 Athlan Icecold and KO’s him
BBT3 #7 Grambad fails to dodge, despite his dodge skill, causing a turnover
BRBT3 #7 Mordak Blackheart pushes # Sorgask to the crowd, but the home team fans leave him unharmed
BRBT3 #5 Hehtar fails to dodge and the turn ends
BBT4 #7 Grambad causes a turnover with another unsuccessful dodge
BRBT5 #7 Mordak Blackheart blitzes #10 Slib’ry Ands and knocks the ball loose, but it bounces to the only orc standing nearby, #7 Grambad, who manages to catch it despite being surrounded by two Buccaneers.
#2 Tyrim blocks 7# Grambad and sacks the ball again, and again it bounces to the only orc around, #9 Grab da Bol, who also catches it, despite two Buccaneer’s tackle zones.
BBT6 #9 Grab da Bol blitzes a hole in the Buccaneer’s defense, dodges himself free and scores
Kick-off: riot -> clock moved back one turn
BRBT5 #13 Solana Spikeheel blitzes #1 Braga to the crowd, but nobody dares to touch him
#4 Mornil gets the ball and passess a quick pass to 2# Tyrim, who then hands it off to #7 Mordak Blackheart, who goes for it but stumbles, causing a turnover and wasting a re-roll
BBT6 #10 Slib’ry Ands fails to pick the ball up and the turn ends quickly
BRBT6 #13 Solana Spikeheel jumps up, dodges, picks up the ball, dodges free, goes for it and scores
Kick-off: Brilliant coaching -> extra re-roll for Buccaneers
BBT7 #6 Urghug KO’s #6 Galfir
#7 Grambad, undaunted by previous bad luck, tries to dodge but stumbles again and the turn ends
BRBT7 #7 Mordak Blackheart blitzes through the orc’s line of defense, dodges two times, goes for it two times and tries to pick up the ball but fails, wasting a re-roll
BBT9 #9 Brab da Bol Gets a hold of the ball
BRBT8 #11 Clarius Vile dodges 4 times to assist #7 Mordak Blackheart, who dodges, sacks the ball, picks it up and scores
2nd half, Buccaneers receiving
BRBT1 #7 Mordak Blackheart KO’s #4 Azgrum
#10 Athlan Icecold picks up the ball and passes a quick pass to #11 Clarius Vile
BRBT3 #3 Malsadrian fails to dodge and the turn ends
BBT3 #9 Grab da Bol tries a difficult dodge to get to the Buccaneer’s ball carrier, but falls over in what looked like a fatal accident. The Brute’s shaman manages to stitch him up however and he’s good to go again in the next run
BRBT5 the orcs closing in, #11 Clarius Vile decides to cross the TD line and scores
Kick-off: Blitz
BRBblitz #7 Mordak Blackheart tries to get to the ball by going for it two times, but stumbles and hurts himself badly
BBT5 #10 Slib’ry Ands gets a hold of the ball
BBT6 #7 Grambad fails a dodge roll for the eighth time in the game and the turn ends
BBT7 #10 Hands the ball off to #5 Sorgask, who has to use a re-roll to catch it. He then tries to run to the end zone but stumbles while going for it and the turn ends
BRBT8 #13 Solana Spikeheel pushes #10 Slib’ry Ands to the crowd, but again the docile fans fail to hurt him
#11 Clarius Vile picks up the ball
the game ends, Buccaneers win 3-1
League table: [pts, goal differential, casualty differential, fatalities, completions, interceptions, sacks]
Brutes (5-1-0) 15 pts, 14-3, 7-2, 1, 3, 0, 7-2
Titans (3-3-0) 9 pts, 5-8, 9-3, 0, 17, 1, 6-6
Buccaneers (3-3-0) 9 pts, 8-6, 5-10, 1, 10, 0, 10-5
Ravens (2-3-0) 6 pts, 4-7, 6-8, 0, 3, 0, 4-3
Mütants (1-1-1) 4 pts, 2-3, 3-3, 0, 0, 0, 2-6
Murderers (0-3-1) 1 pts, 2-8, 1-8, 0, 8, 0, 3-3
Individual statistics:
Finrod Angamaitë (Titans): 3
Grab da Bol (Brutes): 3
Grambad (Brutes): 3
Leifur Eriksson (Ravens): 3
Slib'ry Ands (Brutes): 3
Solana Spikeheel (Buccaneers): 3
Faramir Neithan (Titans): 2
Galhag (Brutes): 2
Mordak Blackheart (Buccaneers): 2
Sorgask (Brutes): 2
Clarius Vile (Buccaneers): 1
Dexgor (Mütants): 1
Galfir (Buccaneers): 1
Galoth (Brutes): 1
Gorgor (Mütants): 1
Savure Uvalor (Murderers): 1
Shishi Yanumibaal (Murderers): 1
Tomas Haugen (Ravens): 1
Tyrim (Buccaneers): 1
Finrod Angamaitë (Titans): 1
Teclis Turukáno (Titans): 5
Athlan Icecold (Buccaneers): 2
Freki (Ravens): 2
Harald Hårdare (Ravens): 2
Nasty Narsil (Buccaneers): 2
Boss the Unbeaten (Mütants): 1
Braga da 'Ed Bash'a (Brutes): 1
Carecalmo (Titans): 1
Cyrus the Unbeliever (Mütants): 1
Dark Elf journeyman* (Buccaneers): 1
Dranas Dradas (Murderers): 1
Finrod Angamaitë (Titans): 1
Galhag (Brutes): 1
Galoth (Brutes): 1
Gatgor (Mütants): 1
Geri (Ravens): 1
Gladroon* (Titans journeyman): 1
Jan Axel Blomberg (Ravens): 1
Morgur (Brutes): 1
Orodreth Ecthelion (Titans): 1
Piergor (Mütants): 1
Slib'ry Ands (Brutes): 1
Sorgask (Brutes): 1
Urghuk (Brutes): 1
Athlan Icecold (Buccaneers): 1
Galhag (Brutes): 1
Gatgor (Mütants): 1
Beleg Strongarm (Titans): 6
Carecalmo (Titans): 4
Giron Manas (Murderers): 3
Grab da Bol (Brutes): 2
Athlan Icecold (Buccaneers): 2
Avil Darksoul (Buccaneers): 2
Clarius Vile (Buccaneers): 2
Mordak Blackheart (Buccaneers): 2
Teclis Turukáno (Titans): 2
Balyn Omavel (Murderers): 1
Hans von Helvete (Ravens): 1
Ilmiril Telinturco (Titans): 1
Meryaren (Titans): 1
Mornil (Buccaneers): 1
Mossanon (Titans): 1
Nilos Talds (Murderers): 1
Orodreth Ecthelion (Titans): 1
Per Yngve Ohlin (Ravens): 1
Savure Uvalor (Murderers): 1
Shishi Yanumibaal (Murderers): 1
Slib'ry Ands (Brutes): 1
Solana Spikeheel (Buccaneers): 1
Thor Åkenskaldi (Ravens): 1
Tussurradad (Murderers): 1
Ulundil (Titans): 1
Mordak Blackheart (Buccaneers): 4
Tyrim (Buccaneers): 3
Shishi Yanumibaal (Murderers): 2
Sorgask (Brutes): 2
Teclis Turukáno (Titans): 2
Azgrum (Brutes): 1
Beleg Strongarm (Titans): 1
Carecalmo (Titans): 1
Clarius Vile (Buccaneers): 1
Finrod Angamaitë (Titans): 1
Gatgor (Mütants): 1
Hans von Helvete (Ravens): 1
Kinzgor (Mütants): 1
Nasty Narsil (Buccaneers): 1
Orodreth Ecthelion (Titans): 1
Per Yngve Ohlin (Ravens): 1
Reidar Horghagen (Ravens): 1
Shaungor (Mütants): 1
Slib'ry Ands (Brutes): 1
Solana Spikeheel (Buccaneers): 1
Stian Tomt Thoresen* (Ravens): 1
Tussurradad (Murderers): 1
No. 5768: A few questions on the screenfield
6 hours ago
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